Sunday, May 23, 2010

I'm baaaa-aaaack...

So sorry for my lengthy departure (to my many maaany followers). Life has been a whirl wind of dogs, Lost, weekend get-a-ways, exams, softball games, and work lately.

Right now I am laying on the couch, watching my 16th episode of Lost this weekend with a dog asleep on each side of me. Adam is in his usual spot: the recliner with a laptop in his lap too. Our latest obsession is Lost (probably because the season finale is tonight). We are only on the 4th season, but I'm sure we will wrap it up today. It never ceases to amaze me how much boys enjoy fight scenes. Apparently fight scenes between "two army specialists" are especially awesome. Sorry, I just don't get it.

Besides watching 3 seasons of Lost, my latest ventures have included dog-sitting, babysitting (not sure which one is more challenging!), picking out new paint colors for our house :), and starting a new project at work.

I get to hang out with my cousins two days a week now. I really feel guilty getting paid for it. Last week, my cousins Andrew (13), Nicholas (10), and Lyndon (11) and I laid on the couch all afternoon and watched FBI's Most Wanted and The Middle. Oh, and I dug some fudge out of the freezer (my aunt always has the best sweets!), and devoured that while we vegged. Then my grandparents came over, and I drank a glass of wine and chatted with them while my cousins played. Babysitting should definitely not be that much fun.

Miloh gets to come on my babysitting adventures most of the time. My cousins looove playing with him. Yes, Kali and Miloh are angels (most of the time), but apparently our neighbors don't appreciate their "presents" in the bushes behind their house. (Umm, hello, free fertilizer!) Adam had a slightly nasty conversation with the live-in boyfriend of the girl that owns the house, but ever since we have made sure that the dogs stay away from their bushes. It's not like we don't pick up after our dogs when we walk them, but they prefer the pine straw around the bushes if we let them out back. Well, two weeks ago those particular neighbors happened to be outside as we packed up our car to head to the beach. We returned the following Sunday to a substantial pile of dog turds up against our back patio. Thanks, we got the message. And, for future reference neighbors, you don't want to get on my handsome boyfriend's bad side. It's just not a good idea.

Summer school starts tomorrow. Because I have put off my 100-level PE class until my final semester of school, I am taking online step aerobics this summer. I have to do "pre-testing" at 6:30 am Monday morning. The testing consists of push-ups (girls can do modified push-ups, but I think that is an insult, those are ridiculously easy), curl-ups, sit-and-reach (which I am absolutely horrible at), and heart rate monitoring after three minutes of step-ups on a 13 inch wooden step. I will be sure to provide frequent updates about this class. I am also taking cognitive processes and social welfare, but I assume that those will be slightly less interesting. (Although, you never know what kind of whack-job will be in class!)

Well, Sawyer/James just jumped out of the chopper, so, for now, back to Lost with my snuggly puppies.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Post Taxmas

'Twas the day after Taxmas, and all through the office
No phones were ringing, no accountants in sight... it doesn't exactly rhyme, (you try to think of a word that rhymes with office!) but the phrase "no creature was stirring, not even a mouse" is on repeat in my head as I sit at the front desk of my office the day after April 15th. For the CPA's this is the start of their eight month vacation (well deserved), but as they enjoy the 80 degree weather, attend doctors appointments that they've put off for months, and travel to the beach, I sit at the front desk staring blankly at my computer monitors and listening to the sounds of the office. It is not even 10 o'clock in the morning yet, and there is no way that I am going to make it until 5 o'clock. I am going to chew my hand off before then. Definitely. That, or die of a candy induced sugar overdose.

I could write one of the two papers that are due this weekend, or I could straighten up the office, or I could fold some of the 300 pay stubs that I have to mail out today. But I don't wanna. Last year I watched TV on my computer--6 or 7 episodes of LOST, I believe. This year I have no speakers on my computer. Coincidence? I think not.

I'd have brought my book but I definitely would have nodded off. So, I choose to nod off to various office sounds... the man in the lobby on his cell phone talking much too loudly, the painful squeal of the elevators as they strain to go up and down, the ringing of the phone (oops, better stop tuning that out), the sound of thighs rubbing together in too-tight capri pants as people walk by...

Speaking of too tight pants, after working my third tax season, I am convinced that there is a "tax season 5." Yes, I am referring to the five pounds that I have gained every tax season. Although, I believe that the majority of weight gain occurs during March and the first two weeks of April. Luckily I have managed to lose "the 5" pretty quickly each year (hopefully this year will not be any different!). Gaining five pounds is just enough to make my clothes feel uncomfortably tighter and to make me hate the scale. Haaate it. Once the numbers start going down the scale can be my friend again, but until then I loathe it.

The weight gain surprises me every year. But why should it? I spend the majority of my time at work consuming biscuits or doughnuts for breakfast, pizza or some other horribly unhealthy and ridiculously portion sized junk food for lunch, cakes, and candy. I am also much more sedentary than I am the rest of the year. But what horrible timing--just as tax season is finishing up it is time to break out the bathing suits. Ok, well I guess I will go do some squats now and take a few laps around the office because I am depressing myself. (And the candy is staring at me and calling my name.)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dear Office Mates...

Dear Office Mates,

While I am well aware that many of you are stressed and have no time to get lunch (let alone eat it), please respect the fact that some of us have little (strike that, no, none, zip, zero) self control and would like to fit in to their bathing suits this summer. That is, without any excess flub hanging out or over. Just this week you all have forced me to consume Reeses, chocolate easter eggs, pizza, strawberry cheesecake, birthday cake, ice cream, and key lime pie. I can only imagine what you will torture me with during the next week and a half. (Oh and not to mention the gigantic Goodberry's concrete with chocolate ice cream, marshmallow, and oreos that Adam maaaade me eat last night, sheesh.)

I do not have the time, nor do I have the desire to work out for three hours every single day. So, unless you plan to provide me with liposuction and a personal trainer/chef beginning April 16th, I suggest that you rid the office of these temptations. PLEASE. For the sake of the children (at the pool and on the beach).

Oh, and co-workers, while you are at it, could you please remind yourselves to "choose your attitude." And to stop complaining about my bare feet. And to stop giving me "rushes" and to stop throwing packages to fed-ex at me. It would be greatly appreciated.



Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I have BEACH FEVER! And the only cure is salty air, water, sand, docks, boats, bathing suits (even if I don't have my bikini bod yet!), and flip-flops.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Pushing and pilling...?!

Help! I've discovered that a new shirt from one of my new favorite clothing brands, Alternative, is "pilling" after one wash. (I believe this is the correct term for the little tiny balls on my shirt that make it look old and worn.)

Obviously my first instinct was to blame my boyfriend for putting too many clothes in the washer or dryer (sorry, Adam), but I have started doing most of the laundry so such a thing WON'T happen! It is possible, ahem, that I might have put a few too many things in the washer (after all, I am trying to be "greener"). But, stuffing washing machines aside, I made sure to turn the shirt inside out and to read the directions on the tag. They were simple: Wash in cold water with like colors, and dry on low. DONE. So why does the shirt look like I've worn it 50 times?!

I know what you are thinking...just buy another brand. But I don't wannnnaaaa (whiney voice). I really really like their t-shirts and dresses and all the pretty colors! (I am stomping around my kitchen right now, hmph.)

See how perrrrtty. So what do I do?! I do not want all my Alternative clothes to look like that!! I've read that you should put less things in the washer and dryer and remove the clothes right away after drying. I am going to continue my research before I do anymore laundry (excuses, excuses!), but please let me know if you have any tips!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Lucky me :)

I've been sitting in bed with my laptop doing homework for the last two hours (ish). Whaaat a crazy day... all of our clients must have woken up this morning and realized that it's almost April and that they need to get their taxes done. Oops!

I don't really understand anything about taxes. Yes, I have worked at a CPA firm for the past three years, and I can probably provide you with the IRS address that you need, but that's about it. And I cannot figure out why our clients are so terrified at the idea of filing an extension on their taxes--almost all of the CPA's that work in my office file extensions for their OWN taxes. Again, I know very little, but I am shocked every year at the horror clients express when the dreaded "extension" is mentioned. (Besides, why shouldn't we be able to finish your taxes before April 15th? YOU are obviously are most important client!) Is this fear warranted?!

If anyone should be terrified, it is the accountants! Several clients bring in SHOPPING BAGS that contain every scrap of paper that they've collected over the past year...receipts, mail, toe nail clippings, checks they forgot to deposit, etc. Showing off the bag to the accountants is the best part though--I can see the fear in their eyes as they nervously laugh about who's going to get stuck with that and then duck away to their office to try and look like they are completely swamped with work.

Ok, well I had no intention of talking about work and especially not about taxes. I look at taxes all day, I do them in my sleep, I think I even smell like them. Anyways, I just wanted to show off my sweet boyfriend and our dogs.

As I was admiring them (our dogs are not always so peaceful), and thinking about how lucky I am, they started a snore-off. I believe that Miloh (the smallest dog) started it, but Adam definitely finished it :)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

"Going green"

In one of my middle grades education classes we created a "global learning community" to discuss global issues with middle schoolers around the world. It sounds like a pretty neat project, and it was, at first. The assignment was fun when we were all creating our profiles and talking to the students about what daily life is like in Russia and Qatar. But the project became excessively complicated and a complete failure when we were given a broadly specific (does that make sense?!) assignment that involved coming up with solutions to world issues. This could have been a simple task...have everyone do some research on a specific topic and post their thoughts, then discuss. But the writing prompts and questions made no sense and were worded in a way that none of the college students, let alone the middle schoolers, could understand. I was so frustrated that I wanted to cry as I tried to figure out some way to "participate" in order to get a decent grade on this confusing ordeal.

I finally figured out what I was supposed to be answering: "How can we positively utilize unconventional ways to go green?"

Um, it's very possible that it's just me, but what the heck does that mean?! I thought that "going green" was simple enough...I mean, I have a really cute reusable lunchbag that I take to work every day! But, we are doing this assignment with middle schoolers, and I was almost in tears trying to figure out what that question actually meant. If I was talking to a class of middle schoolers I would probably say, "What are some unique ways that we can go green?" Or, "What is your opinion on going green?" (Because middle schoolers looove to give opinions.) Simple. To the point. Isn't going green supposed to be positive? How would you negatively utitilize unconventional ways to go green?! Just not do them? What is the difference between conventional and unconventional ways to go green anyways? Isn't going green kind of unconventional? Hmph, see I am confusing myself all over again.

Well, now that I am done ranting, my solution was to post a bunch of ways to "be green" that (I thought) were pretty cool and unique. I decided I would share some of the more interesting and easy ones here.

Reducing your speed from 70 mph to 55 mph can increase your fuel efficiency by 23 percent. Hello less frequent gas fill-ups (and no expensive speeding tickets!)

Use newspaper to clean your glass and windows. I think I've heard this before, but apparently it leaves fewer streaks and particles and saves paper towels.

Only do full loads of laundry and only run the dishwasher when it's completely full. (I don't know about you, but I almost always seem to have several full loads of laundry!)

Install dimmer switches to lower your electric bill...and create mood lighting obviously!

Lastly, I was very intrigued that there was a section called "top green sex tips." (Obviously I did not post this on my class website, but I DID have to investigate.) I won't go in to detail because it was mostly about "toys" and thiiiings, but it did say that showering together is a way to conserve water. The article also said to use bamboo bed sheets, sustainable "unmentionables," and organic aphrodisiacs.
What do you all think?

Friday, March 26, 2010

Latest obsessions...

I think I've said this before...but when I find something that I really like, I tend to obsess over it. It's a problem--especially in the spring. Flowers, bright colors, anything nautical or preppy, I have to have it.

Right now, I am in love with all of the Bungalow & Co. Scout products.

Cool Bright Paisley Pocket Rocket Bag

Besides the fact that this bag sounds like something you'd buy at a sex toy store (tee-hee), I have been very in to paisley lately, and I think this will be the PERFECT bag to take on the boat!

Dockette Insulated Tote

Also perfect for the boat and beach or pool! A cooler that I can carry over my shoulder? Yes, please.

Chocolate Twist Doggy Bag

Small enough to fit in my bag, but insulated and big enough to hold my snacks and drinks for work!

French Twist Bin

I have these bins in all of the closets in my house (including the pantry!). I have a slight organizational obsession, but things look so much neater when hidden in a pretty bin.

I have also discovered Big Buddha Bags. All of the bags are vegan (which honestly I don't really care that much about, but it's a nice thought), and the colors and styles are amazing. AND none of the bags are ridiculously expensive!

Sadie Bag in green

Although this bag has the potential to become a black hole (like all of my purses tend to do) because it has so much room, I couldn't resist the green color or adorable trim!

Hibiscus Shopper in black

I love love looove this bag! As soon as I can rationalize buying it, I plan to :)

Sasha Clutch

Adorable clutch. Yes, I do have a birthday in two weeks. Kidding, but really all of these bags are amazing.

My final discovery has actually made my life just a little bit easier--being the clumsy, messy person that I am. I have always liked the Tervis Tumblers (seriously I love anything that I can put my monogram on), but they have LIDS now. Lids in adorable colors that work like a travel coffee mug top.
Paisley with Pink Lid

Yes, here I go with paisley again. But my lid discovery has really cut down on the number of catastrophic desk spills at work. Don't get me wrong, I still manage to knock over my cup more than once a day, but even if I don't close the lid, the spill is much more manageable and less likely to ruin computer components or paper documents. In the quest to keep myself hydrated, I have said a few choice words as my recently filled water bottle (that I never seem to be able to put the top back on) dumps all over my desk, soaking everything in sight. The lid also makes drinking my sweet tea in the car much less dangerous, especially on the way to work or school when I am most likely to spill all over myself. So, thank you, Tervis Tumbler, for making my day just a little bit easier (and less messy).

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Pedometer Schmemometer...

For the last few days I have been wearing a pedometer to see how many steps I take each day. Wearing the contraption is really not hooks on to the waistband of your pants, and it sticks out about half an inch. I have a feeling they probably make "sleeker" pedometers (mm...that sounds just a little bit geeky), but mine was free from a fitness promotion going on at my mom's work, so I can't really complain.

Apparently 10,000 steps is the magic number. Ok, it is really hard to take 10,000 steps in a day unless you actually go on an hour long walk (or two).

Last week I wore my pedometer to work, and I barely logged 2,500 steps. I parked further away, I took the steps to and from my fourth floor office several times, and I deliberately took longer routes around the office. I also rarely sat down all day (although I was standing in the work room assembling tax returns for the majority of the day). If I sat at a desk all day, I doubt that I would have walked 1,000 steps. I did a little bit better on the day that I had to go to campus. I walked from the parking deck to class, to Brueggers across the street, to class, and back to class again. I also walked the dogs for about twenty minutes that day, and I walked a little over 5,000 steps. So, I decided to investigate this "10,000 steps a day" idea.

Health and fitness experts say to walk 10,000 steps per day to improve overall health and fitness and to help control weight. 10,000 steps is around 5 miles for most people, and most people only walk about 900-3,000 steps a day. The previous bit of information made me feel a little bit better...until I saw that these people are labeled "sedentary." I refuse to be sedentary.

So, if I make an effort to walk more all day long, AND walk the dogs or do some cardio at the gym, I think that I can log 10,000 steps. I wore my pedometer to spin class this morning. I have no idea how accurately that translates to "steps," but I logged around 3500 steps in 45 minutes, so I'll take it. After the gym we cleaned the house from top to bottom. I thought that cleaning would log some serious steps, but it really didn't. So I am at 5,000 steps so far today, and I'm really not planning on doing much more walking. (I COULD do some more walking, but I am already sore from that spin was my first in 6 months, and I'm proud of myself for making it there this morning!)

Aiming for 10,000 steps a day is an awesome goal. I'm going to keep wearing my goofy looking pedometer so that I am more aware of my physical activity during the day. Between walking the dogs, deliberately trying to walk more throughout the day, and going to the gym, I am pretty confident that I can take 10,000 steps. Now I just need to do it. More to come, but here are a few tips I found for getting closer to that magic number each day:

- Don't take the closest parking spot. Use the stairs instead of the elevator--especially if the managing company of your building is too poor to fix the elevators and/or inspect the elevators! (Not that I experience that fear on a daily basis or anything...)

-Find shoes that can double as work shoes and walking shoes (WAAAY easier said than done if you don't want to look like a Grandma!)

-If you have a desk job, take breaks every hour or two and walk around the office or down the hall.

-Instead of emailing or calling a co-worker, walk over to their desk. (I think I can definitely make use of this one!)

-Walk your dog or take a family walk after dinner. Or start a walking group at work :)

-Schedule exercise into your routine and make it a priority.

-At home spend less time sitting and more time moving, especially while watching tv or talking on the phone.

These tips are totally cheesy and obvious, but I am determined to start logging 10,000 steps a day! Updates to come...

No wonder my pedometer looks so dorky. I am obviously waaay behind in the pedometer department because I just found some amazing ones online! Might be a worthwhile investment. And a good birthday present! (Or would that be kind of like telling someone they need to exercise more...? Hmm, I better think on that one.)


Thursday, March 11, 2010

While waiting in the carpool line...

Today, Dr. Oz said that humans crave 4 things: water, food, sleep, sex.
Apparently, "if you don't get one you'll crave another."

I began to ponder this idea today while waiting in the carpool line to pick up my cousin from a Catholic church. It makes sense, kinda. But how come we can't just listen to our bodies and (for lack of a better phrase) feed our needs?!

...You can be addicted to food, and supposedly sex, but it is not a good thing.

Tiger addict or man whore?

Do people experience these addictions because of some underlying deprivation?

I do not drink enough water (goal for this week...drink more WATER), and I know that I eat too much sugar. But I will just go ahead and pat myself on the back for getting 7-8 hours of sleep most of the time. So I'm going to go to bed early and completely forgive myself for having chips and leftover pastries that Adam brought home from work for dinner. Maybe I'll even drink a glass of water too.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A few things that I love...

As I was getting ready this morning, I was thinking about some of the random things that get me through the day. And they are very random...but I'm picky, so when I find something I love, I'm pretty much hooked.

1) Benefiber packets.
After I shower and let the dogs out, I mess around on the computer and drink my coffee until I absolutely have to start getting dressed. I put fat free powdered french vanilla coffee mate and splenda in my coffee every morning.
Deeelicious and only 25 calories for 2 tablespoons!

I keep hearing horrible things about Splenda, but I LOVE it

And a few months ago I discovered these little babies...
I swear you can't taste it AT ALL

Benefiber, I adore you. I take several medicines that tend to make me, uh, stopped up, but traveling around with a plastic baggy of white powder might give some people the wrong idea. Honestly, I would probably jumb to some kind of conclusion if I saw that in someone's purse. But, I put these portioned packets in my coffee, and I mix them in bottled water(it has no taste, but I usually mix in a crystal light packet too). Amazing. There are benefiber packets in the side pockets of all of my purses.

2)My Mary Engelbreit desktop calendar.
I have gotten the Mary Engelbreit desktop calendar for Christmas for the past 4 years. Mary Engelbreit is such a talented artist, and I love that the calendar has lots of space to write on each day, and every week has a different picture and quote (I also looove quotes--I have four notebooks full of quotes.)

The calendar has plenty of writing space, but it is also small enough to stick in my purse!

Possibly my best snack discovery ever! Vitalicious VitaTops have no preservatives, 6 grams of fiber, and only 100 calories. One of my favorite things about Vitatops is that you store them in the freezer, and you have to take one out and let it thaw for about 2 hours before you eat it(I mean you could probably microwave it, but whatever), so it's ready to eat right around the time I need a morning or afternoon snack. AND, after I eat one, I can't decide that I want to binge eat the entire package because they are frozen. They are perfect for anyone who has trouble stopping at just one (ME!).
Deep chocolate, my favorite! Mmmm

The deep chocolate flavor is super chocolatey and has lots of chocolate chips (and is surprisingly big and filling for only 100 calories!). I also like the banana nut flavor, and I am anxious to try the fudgy peanut butter chip and triple chocolate chunk I just have to find them at the grocery store!

4)Physique 57
Ok...this is something that I would like to do every day! I absolutely love this workout. Physique 57 has 3 DVD's: 57 minute full-body workout, an express 30 minute workout, and a thirty minute ab and arm booster. The combination of ballet, free weights, and mat work is challenging but doable, and it's an awesome way to start the day.

Kelly Ripa supposedly does Physique 57, and she has an amazing body. I have noticed a difference in my arms, legs, and abs after a few workouts. I can do more push-ups and even a few pull-ups. Sooo, now that I've bragged about the dvd's, I need to start doing them regularly so that I'm all ready for the beach this summer! Updates to come...

5)Lash-blast Mascara
I usually wear mascara even when I don't wear any other make-up. Honestly my blonde eyelashes disappear, and I look like I'm 15 without any mascara. (I got carded buying lottery tickets last weekend--I didn't even know they did that!) I absolutely hate mascara that clumps, and I do not like having to wipe off the brush. I like to try the latest beauty products at the drugstore, but I am hooked on Covergirl's lash blast mascara.

When it goes on sale, I stock up on the fat orange wands. I've been using it for at least a year, and I am still raving about it.

6)Fiber One bars
Another one of my favorite snacks that helps get me through the day (I'm working on eating less candy at work, so I try to be prepared). I personally think that these taste even better than candy bars. My favorites are Oats&Chocolate and Oats&Peanut Butter...

They just started making 90 calorie Fiber One bars. I don't think that they're quite as good or as filling, but they aren't bad.

I have always been a wedge/platform/heals girl. I am actually kind of known for wearing heals to work, but right now I am running around all day at work, so I have a new found love for flats. (Honestly, I'd rather be barefoot, but unfortunately that is frowned upon. And I haven't exactly had time for a pedicure.) So I am embracing flats. These are just a few that I love--even if they are currently out of my budget!

...the last one could be perfect with a wedding dress, maybe...?

8)Our dogs.
They drive us crazy. The are spoiled rotten. And we love them.


And walking them is like free therapy.

9)My blackberry
I love my phone. And I have had several phones in the last year (including an iphone). I am on this phone all day. I gchat. I bbm. I text. I e-mail. I twitter. I listen to Pandora on it at the gym. It's light AND durable (I'm not advocating throwing it at anything or anyONE), but things tend to "jump" out of my hands (or fall out of my car). They say the first step to recovery is admitting your addiction. My name is Jessie, and I am a crackberry head.
AND it's purple. Sigh.

I'm confident that my little purple appendage can do even more. I'm still discovering all that it can do :) I'll keep you all updated...

10) Adam
...who I talk to on my purple blackberry alllll day :) and can't wait to get home to in the evenings.
So handsome.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Cheesy picture. But this is what my desk looks like.

We are in the deep, dark depths of tax season at the CPA firm where I work. 5 more weeks. 5 more weeks until the work comes to an abrupt halt (April 15th), and we get to drink beer and martini's in the break room. I frequently repeat this to myself and my co-workers as we drown our stress with coffee and Nestle chocolate easter eggs (or maybe that's just me).

Stress levels are running HIGH. The tax season "walk" is in full effect--accountants speed walk around the office, crashing into each other as they round a corner, then glaring at one another for costing an extra second away from their desk. Tax returns, financial statements, and packages are not placed, but tossed on my desk, or worse, pushed in my face. I can forgive the accountants though, I understand that this is their "time of year." But clients get no excuses.

We pre-address envelopes and label any place that the client needs to sign and date(with yellow stickers that say "sign and date here"). But, really, you're 30 years old, and you don't know when you need to send your taxes in by? And apparently there's a rumor going around that postage is guaranteed if a package is going to the IRS...!? Umm...nope, your envelope gets returned to US, and we stamp it and re-send it out. Other clients don't understand why they can't show up any time during the day and meet with a partner. Or why their taxes won't be done by the end of the week. (Yes, I understand you need to know how much of a refund you're getting so that you can go shopping, but you aren't the ONLY client.) But the clients who are rude are by far the worst.

I try to answer the phone as pleasantly as possible. I really do. Even when I am elbow deep in 30 copies of financial statements while helping a client at the front desk (who is probably asking me questions about their taxes that I know absolutely NOTHING about). Anyways, a client who calls frequently says ONLY the name of the person that he needs to speak with when I answer. He actually turns the name into a command. Impressive, I suppose. But the admin. staff has spent so much time imitating him that I can't even find him rude anymore, I just stiffle my giggles when he calls. Well, yesterday he got topped. A woman called multiple times (probably 8 times throughout the day), and, before I could even finish my schpeale, abruptly said "I need...(fill-in-the-blank with said person's name)." Shocked by the interuption, I sent her through to the person. "Well, I need you to be polite, so let's try that again," is what I wanted to tell her. But, restraining myself, I dragged my conversation out with her as long as possible with each proceeding call. I asked who was calling every single time, then I told her that "said-person" was in a meeting or away from her desk. Really, not very exciting, but deep down I felt a little bit better by forcing her to talk to little ol' me for a just a little bit longer. Always alllways make friends with the receptionists. We remember things.

Finally, I completely understand calling back a number on your cell phone that you don't recognize. I do it sometimes, but usually I just search the number on google (much less painful). Recently more and more people have called the office because they "received a phone call from this number." Um...ok. So, I repeat the name of my office. The caller almost always asks if we are a law firm, so I explain to them that we are a CPA firm ("what's that?" one caller asked, no lie). Then I ask the caller if they have checked their voicemail. Duh, I know, but sometimes they are too "busy" to check their voicemail first. About 90% of the time the caller asks, " you know who might have called me?" At this point, three other phone lines are usually ringing,and I am completely over this game. I explain, as calmly as possible, that no, I do not know who called you because we have over 75 employees. For some reason the caller seems to have trouble grasping this...and mumbles something or pauses for just a second too long. "But someone called me from this number, and I am important," I know they are thinking. As quickly as possible, I apologize and hang up before the conversation can continue.

**I have been advised that the next time this happens, I should start naming every single employee "who might have called them." Yup, all 75 of them. Or I will tell them that, yes, I did call you, and where the heck is my pepperoni pizza?!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Life Lessons from Grandpa Hale...

I don't usually look at forwards in my inbox, but this e-mail from my Gramps really resonated with me and how I am trying to live my life these days. I wish I could remember all of these when I am feeling especially stressed out!

45 Lessons in Life:

1)Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
2)When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3)Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
4)Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.
5)Pay off your credit cards every month.
6)You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
7)Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
8)It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
9)Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
10)When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
11)Make peace with your past, so it won't screw up the present.
12)It's OK to let your children see you cry.
13)Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is about.
14)If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
15)Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.
16)Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
17)Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful, or joyful.
18)Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
19)It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.
20)When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
21)Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
22)Over prepare, then go with the flow.
23)Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
24)The most important sex organ is the brain.
25)No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
26)Frame every so-called disaster with these words, "In five years, will this matter?".
27)Always choose life.
28)Forgive everyone everything.
29)What other people think of you is none of your business...
30)Time heals almost everything. Give time, time.
31)However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
32)Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
33)Believe in miracles.
34)God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.
35)Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
36)Growing old beats the alternative--dying young.
37)Your children get only one childhood.
38)All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
39)Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
40)If we threw all our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab our's back.
41)Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
42)The best is yet to come.
43)No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, and show up.
45)Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.

I love all of these life lessons. And I am so lucky to have grandparents who taught me to take charge of my own life and happiness, and who have never stopped believing in me.
Grandma & Grandpa Hale

Sunday mornings.

I love Sunday mornings. Ok, Sunday mornings when I have absolutely nothing to do. I've been drinking coffee and laying on the couch putzing around the internet with TV movies playing in the background for HOURS. Unfortunately, eventually my mind starts to think about all of the things that I should be doing. I should clean up the house because I can see the dust on our bookshelves when I open the blinds. I should exercise (I can seriously feel the chocolate, oreo, and marshmallow concrete that I had from Goodberry's yesterday afternoon making my thighs bigger). I should work on the lesson plan, chapter summary, and midterm that are due this week. But, I think our dogs have the right idea...
Miloh and Kali basking in the sun

I can tell Adam is antsy to do something. He keeps talking about errands we need to run...hmph. Maybe that's why he actually LOSES weight after eating a large Goodberry's concrete and an entire pepperoni pizza yesterday afternoon. Completely unfair.

We have started buying powerball lottery tickets every Saturday (I'm going to be teaching in NC, so I might as well support the NC Education lottery, right?!). Every Saturday we talk about exactly what we are going to do with the money when we win the jackpot. Neither of us can stay up until 11 o'clock to watch the actual powerball drawing, so every Sunday morning we look up the winning numbers online, hoping that we became multi-millionaires overnight. So far we have won 6 dollars. But if we DO win the jackpot, we are going to go straight to the airport and get on the first flight to New York City to do a little shopping. And by little, I mean a size 5 platinum diamond ring. No, really, we've discussed this ;)
Tiffany & Co.

Tiffany Novo Engagement Ring

A girl can dream. Anyways, next we would pay off our family's mortgages and give them some play money. I told you, we have this all planned out. Then we would fly to an island in the bahamas where we would relax, plan our (my) dream wedding, and figure out what else we want to/should do with the money.
Turks and Caicos

Apparently, there were no jackpot winners this time. So I guess we'll have to buy tickets for the Wednesday drawing...since the jackpot is $170 million. We're still expanding our "would do" list, so it's ok to let the jackpot get a little bit bigger ;) What would you do with that money?