Apparently 10,000 steps is the magic number. Ok, it is really hard to take 10,000 steps in a day unless you actually go on an hour long walk (or two).
Last week I wore my pedometer to work, and I barely logged 2,500 steps. I parked further away, I took the steps to and from my fourth floor office several times, and I deliberately took longer routes around the office. I also rarely sat down all day (although I was standing in the work room assembling tax returns for the majority of the day). If I sat at a desk all day, I doubt that I would have walked 1,000 steps. I did a little bit better on the day that I had to go to campus. I walked from the parking deck to class, to Brueggers across the street, to class, and back to class again. I also walked the dogs for about twenty minutes that day, and I walked a little over 5,000 steps. So, I decided to investigate this "10,000 steps a day" idea.
Health and fitness experts say to walk 10,000 steps per day to improve overall health and fitness and to help control weight. 10,000 steps is around 5 miles for most people, and most people only walk about 900-3,000 steps a day. The previous bit of information made me feel a little bit better...until I saw that these people are labeled "sedentary." I refuse to be sedentary.
So, if I make an effort to walk more all day long, AND walk the dogs or do some cardio at the gym, I think that I can log 10,000 steps. I wore my pedometer to spin class this morning. I have no idea how accurately that translates to "steps," but I logged around 3500 steps in 45 minutes, so I'll take it. After the gym we cleaned the house from top to bottom. I thought that cleaning would log some serious steps, but it really didn't. So I am at 5,000 steps so far today, and I'm really not planning on doing much more walking. (I COULD do some more walking, but I am already sore from that spin was my first in 6 months, and I'm proud of myself for making it there this morning!)
Aiming for 10,000 steps a day is an awesome goal. I'm going to keep wearing my goofy looking pedometer so that I am more aware of my physical activity during the day. Between walking the dogs, deliberately trying to walk more throughout the day, and going to the gym, I am pretty confident that I can take 10,000 steps. Now I just need to do it. More to come, but here are a few tips I found for getting closer to that magic number each day:
- Don't take the closest parking spot. Use the stairs instead of the elevator--especially if the managing company of your building is too poor to fix the elevators and/or inspect the elevators! (Not that I experience that fear on a daily basis or anything...)
-Find shoes that can double as work shoes and walking shoes (WAAAY easier said than done if you don't want to look like a Grandma!)
-If you have a desk job, take breaks every hour or two and walk around the office or down the hall.
-Instead of emailing or calling a co-worker, walk over to their desk. (I think I can definitely make use of this one!)
-Walk your dog or take a family walk after dinner. Or start a walking group at work :)
-Schedule exercise into your routine and make it a priority.
-At home spend less time sitting and more time moving, especially while watching tv or talking on the phone.
These tips are totally cheesy and obvious, but I am determined to start logging 10,000 steps a day! Updates to come...
No wonder my pedometer looks so dorky. I am obviously waaay behind in the pedometer department because I just found some amazing ones online! Might be a worthwhile investment. And a good birthday present! (Or would that be kind of like telling someone they need to exercise more...? Hmm, I better think on that one.)


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