Right now, I am in love with all of the Bungalow & Co. Scout products.

Cool Bright Paisley Pocket Rocket Bag
Besides the fact that this bag sounds like something you'd buy at a sex toy store (tee-hee), I have been very in to paisley lately, and I think this will be the PERFECT bag to take on the boat!

Dockette Insulated Tote
Also perfect for the boat and beach or pool! A cooler that I can carry over my shoulder? Yes, please.

Chocolate Twist Doggy Bag
Small enough to fit in my bag, but insulated and big enough to hold my snacks and drinks for work!

French Twist Bin
I have these bins in all of the closets in my house (including the pantry!). I have a slight organizational obsession, but things look so much neater when hidden in a pretty bin.
I have also discovered Big Buddha Bags. All of the bags are vegan (which honestly I don't really care that much about, but it's a nice thought), and the colors and styles are amazing. AND none of the bags are ridiculously expensive!

Sadie Bag in green
Although this bag has the potential to become a black hole (like all of my purses tend to do) because it has so much room, I couldn't resist the green color or adorable trim!

Hibiscus Shopper in black
I love love looove this bag! As soon as I can rationalize buying it, I plan to :)

Sasha Clutch
Adorable clutch. Yes, I do have a birthday in two weeks. Kidding, but really all of these bags are amazing.
My final discovery has actually made my life just a little bit easier--being the clumsy, messy person that I am. I have always liked the Tervis Tumblers (seriously I love anything that I can put my monogram on), but they have LIDS now. Lids in adorable colors that work like a travel coffee mug top.

Paisley with Pink Lid
Yes, here I go with paisley again. But my lid discovery has really cut down on the number of catastrophic desk spills at work. Don't get me wrong, I still manage to knock over my cup more than once a day, but even if I don't close the lid, the spill is much more manageable and less likely to ruin computer components or paper documents. In the quest to keep myself hydrated, I have said a few choice words as my recently filled water bottle (that I never seem to be able to put the top back on) dumps all over my desk, soaking everything in sight. The lid also makes drinking my sweet tea in the car much less dangerous, especially on the way to work or school when I am most likely to spill all over myself. So, thank you, Tervis Tumbler, for making my day just a little bit easier (and less messy).
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