In one of my middle grades education classes we created a "global learning community" to discuss global issues with middle schoolers around the world. It sounds like a pretty neat project, and it was, at first. The assignment was fun when we were all creating our profiles and talking to the students about what daily life is like in Russia and Qatar. But the project became excessively complicated and a complete failure when we were given a broadly specific (does that make sense?!) assignment that involved coming up with solutions to world issues. This could have been a simple task...have everyone do some research on a specific topic and post their thoughts, then discuss. But the writing prompts and questions made no sense and were worded in a way that none of the college students, let alone the middle schoolers, could understand. I was so frustrated that I wanted to cry as I tried to figure out some way to "participate" in order to get a decent grade on this confusing ordeal.
I finally figured out what I was supposed to be answering: "How can we positively utilize unconventional ways to go green?"
Um, it's very possible that it's just me, but what the heck does that mean?! I thought that "going green" was simple enough...I mean, I have a really cute reusable lunchbag that I take to work every day! But, we are doing this assignment with middle schoolers, and I was almost in tears trying to figure out what that question actually meant. If I was talking to a class of middle schoolers I would probably say, "What are some unique ways that we can go green?" Or, "What is your opinion on going green?" (Because middle schoolers looove to give opinions.) Simple. To the point. Isn't going green supposed to be positive? How would you negatively utitilize unconventional ways to go green?! Just not do them? What is the difference between conventional and unconventional ways to go green anyways? Isn't going green kind of unconventional? Hmph, see I am confusing myself all over again.
Well, now that I am done ranting, my solution was to post a bunch of ways to "be green" that (I thought) were pretty cool and unique. I decided I would share some of the more interesting and easy ones here.
Reducing your speed from 70 mph to 55 mph can increase your fuel efficiency by 23 percent. Hello less frequent gas fill-ups (and no expensive speeding tickets!)
Use newspaper to clean your glass and windows. I think I've heard this before, but apparently it leaves fewer streaks and particles and saves paper towels.
Only do full loads of laundry and only run the dishwasher when it's completely full. (I don't know about you, but I almost always seem to have several full loads of laundry!)
Install dimmer switches to lower your electric bill...and create mood lighting obviously!
Lastly, I was very intrigued that there was a section called "top green sex tips." (Obviously I did not post this on my class website, but I DID have to investigate.) I won't go in to detail because it was mostly about "toys" and thiiiings, but it did say that showering together is a way to conserve water. The article also said to use bamboo bed sheets, sustainable "unmentionables," and organic aphrodisiacs.
What do you all think?
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